Waterstones Swansea hosts sold-out Paranormal Wales event

Mark Rees launches new Paranormal Wales book with Steve Balsamo in Waterstones Swansea

Steve Balsamo and Mark Rees at the PARANORMAL WALES event in Waterstones Swansea.

A HUGE thank you to everyone who popped along to the PARANORMAL WALES event at Waterstones Swansea.

Mark was joined by his good friend and fellow paranormal enthusiast, Steve Balsamo, for a fascinating discussion about the weird and wonderful world of Welsh ghosts and folklore.

The event, which celebrated the launch of the latest book in the Paranormal Wales series, Paranormal Swansea and Gower, was a complete sell-out—every seat was filled, and every book was snapped up.

In the photo above, you’ll see Mark holding a copy of Paranormal Cardiff. That’s because even their personal copies of Paranormal Swansea and Gower sold out—this was the only Paranormal book left in the shop!

Steve Balsamo and Mark Rees talk ghosts and folklore in Waterstones Swansea.

Having been warned beforehand that August was a terrible time for a book launch — what with people being on holiday, students away, and Halloween being the season when most start thinking about spooky things — we braced ourselves for a quieter turnout.

In reality, we had to delay the start to accommodate everyone and find extra seating. We even started the event a bit breathless from all the heavy lifting of chairs! Speaking of heavy lifting, Steve really went above and beyond to ensure everything sounded perfect, transporting the PA equipment to and from the venue in a rather unconventional manner:

Steve Balsamo transports the PA from the Paranormal Wales event.

As Waterstones Swansea tweeted afterwards: “Normally we’d say we have signed copies available, but we completely sold out, sorry.”

All in all, it was a fantastic evening and a truly communal affair. That’s the wonderful thing about the paranormal community—people with diverse views and opinions come together through a shared passion and talk like old friends, even if they only met minutes beforehand.

Let’s do it all again soon, until next time – nos da!

Waterstones Swansea from above - getting ready for the Paranormal Wales event.

What’s next?

Were you there at Waterstones Swansea? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

If you missed the event, fear not — there are more opportunities to catch us as we continue to launch Paranormal Swansea and Gower closer to Halloween. Stay tuned for announcements about upcoming events in Mumbles, Gower, and perhaps a few other spooky spots…

Steve Balsamo and Mark Rees talk ghosts and folklore of Wales in Waterstones Swansea.

Where can I buy Paranormal Swansea?

Hopefully, Waterstones Swansea will be stocked up again by now. If not, most bookshops in the UK can order a copy for you, or you can pick one up online here. Remember: always support your local bookshop where possible!