Guy Fawkes Night: the folklore, traditions, history and ghosts of Bonfire Night, and how Noson Guto Ffowc was celebrated in Wales

Guy Fawkes Night special on the Ghosts and Folklore podcast: Can the ancient druids of Wales really lay claim to inventing the traditions of the 5th of November AND July the 4th? Explore the curious customs of Bonfire Night, or Noson Guto Ffowc as we say in Wales, on this special episode of the podcast.

Spooky Halloween Folklore and Traditions of Wales: Ghosts & Folklore of Wales podcast Halloween special

Join Mark Rees (author of Ghosts of Wales/ Paranormal Wales etc.) for a journey in search of the curious, and at times macabre history and folklore of Nos Calan Gaeaf, the Welsh Halloween.

Devil’s Bridge: Ghosts & Folklore of Wales podcast

Did Satan really build a bridge in Wales – the notorious Devil’s Bridge – in exchange for the soul of an old Welsh woman? In this episode of the GHOSTS & FOLKLORE podcast, join Mark Rees (author of Ghosts of Wales/ Paranormal Wales etc.) for a journey in search of Satan himself who, it is claimed, built a bridge over a great chasm in exchange for the soul of an old Welsh widow.