The Comix Shoppe in Swansea now stocks signed books by Mark Rees, with Ghosts of Wales and Paranormal Wales available just in time for Halloween.
Paranormal Wales book launch coming to the Ghosts and Folklore podcast this Halloween
Paranormal Wales book launch coming to the Ghosts and Folklore podcast this Halloween. You can’t stop a “Ghosts of Wales” paranormal party!
The Ghost of a Murderer Stalks Abroad: Ghosts & Folklore with Mark Rees podcast EP13
The Ghost of a Murderer Stalks Abroad: Ghosts and Folklore with Mark Rees podcast EP13: Can the ghost of a murderer really return from beyond the grave to haunt their former home and neighbours?
The Women in White: Ghosts and Folklore of Wales with Mark Rees podcast EP04
Do some ghosts really swear at people? And do other ghosts dress up in the clothing of the clergy? The […]
A Ghost to Rival Hamlet’s Father: Ghosts and Folklore of Wales with Mark Rees podcast EP03
A Ghost to Rival Hamlet’s Father: Ghosts and Folklore of Wales with Mark Rees podcast EP03: Did a ghost really help the police discover a buried skull? Find out in this Swansea ghost story!
The Curse of the Swansea Devil: Ghosts & Folklore of Wales Podcast EP02
Can a statue really be cursed? And could such a curse destroy a church? In the second episode of the […]
Ghosts of Wales Live! with the Swansea Devil at Swansea Museum
Is the Swansea Devil really cursed? There was only one way to find out – by hosting a Ghosts of Wales Live! event in Swansea museum!
A Curious Night at Swansea Museum with Mark Rees
On Friday, 2nd August, 2019, Swansea Museum will host an extraordinary evening where history, folklore, and the supernatural come together. […]
The A-Z of Curious Wales, the new book from Mark Rees, is OUT NOW!
The A-Z of Curious Wales, the new book from Mark Rees, is OUT NOW!
NEW BOOK: The A-Z of Curious Wales is available for pre-order
My next book The A-Z Of Curious Wales is available to pre-order… now! You can also have a sneak peek […]